Welcome to the Pilotshub.in Virtual Store. By using this store, you agree to the following terms:
Pilotshub.in reserves the right to cancel any order or revoke awards, gifts, or privileges if Pilotshub Coins (our digital currency) were obtained through malpractice, glitch exploitation, or any unauthorized means.
Please note that Pilotshub.in does not endorse or guarantee the authenticity, quality, or performance of any products listed in this store. All aviation-related activities must be conducted in compliance with the air law of your respective country.
A bill of sale will be issued in the user’s name as per the government ID provided, and items will be delivered only to the address stated on that ID or a similar document.
Thank you for adhering to these guidelines and helping us maintain a secure and fair experience at Pilotshub.in.
![Giphy - Propose In Love GIF by Boomerang Official](https://media4.giphy.com/media/1wmOyZYoGzz003R03Y/giphy.gif?cid=2215001bymm3eu9kyfb0uvyfscbiwld1wdupg933wzt8ex1l&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)